Angela Scanu Mazzella, an entrepreneur from the Mazzella Group, has recently been awarded the prestigious «Io Sono Una Persona Per…
Arbatax Park awarded as the best «Eco Resort in Italy»
An important international acknowledgement is given to the Arbatax Park Resort, first place winner in the category “Italy’s Leading Eco Resort” of the prestigious World Travel Awards 2019, held in Madeira, Portugal. Real Oscars of tourism, to recognize and celebrate excellence in all key fields of this sector.
The designation of the Arbatax Park as the best “Eco Resort in Italy”, makes the it a real reference point for eco-sustainable tourism.
Arbatax Park Resort was born in 2010 from the vision of entrepreneurs Giorgio and Angela Mazzella, who after years of work as developers in the tourism field in Sardinia, decided to take on a new challenge together opening their “home” to the world, with the desire to share their passion for nature, for children, for traditions and their unconditional Love for the Land that hosts them. As they claimed “this is an important result that has been achieved thanks to a constant and daily work that we carry out with passion, day by day, together with all our Staff. This award represents a great source of pride for the whole family of the Arbatax Park Resort. Being awarded the World Travel Awards 2019 is not only an honor, but the proof that this land, Sardinia, is the emblem of beauty. We are proud to bring home the most coveted award in the tourism industry!”
Arbatax Park is located in a peninsula of over 60 hectares of unspoilt nature, a magical place that includes the only Resort in the world with a modern concept of global wellness, within a Natural Park. Among more than 500.000 plants, 500 animals e 5.000 metres of walks, 500 people daily take care of the Guests and the Park. It also includes a Wellness Centre and SPAwhere water is the key for health and well-being, and an organic garden where each Guest can experiment with the cultivation and harvesting of vegetables and legumes.
A project that is starts from Nature and becomes hospitality within a Park where Nature is the master and where everyone can choose their experience among the infinite possibilities that are offered, in an oasis where nothing is wasted but transformed, respecting the natural cycle, its biodiversity and the territory that hosts it.
Everything at Arbatax Park Resort is designed to protect the environment, thanks to some eco-sustainable activities that are carried out regularly. Particular attention to recycling and to the use of alternative energies, which over the years have turned into a valuable source of inspiration and a resource to be protected, thanks to small daily gestures, good practices and initiatives to enhance the territory, which trace a concrete path to a sustainable future for the new generations. A project in constant development, to which many initiatives are added: theseparate collection, which exceeds 90%; the recycling of paper, which comes back to life and becomes a litter for the animals at the nursery; the recycling of glass, that once melted allows Guests to create art objects by attending the amusing workshops of internationally renowned artists; the composting of all the organic material originating from pruning and cleaning operations, that becomes humus for the plants and for the garden; the recovery of dry branches, which become poles for the fences, wood to feed the ovens of the bread or the fires of the roasts and, sometimes, furnishings for the rooms; the recovery of rainwater, which conveys into a quarry and are reused for irrigation of gardens and meadows.
Moreover, among the projects currently underway:
The Arbatax Park Resort is located in the Heart of Ogliastra, one of the 5 “Blue Zones” in the world, home of the Centenaries, in an unexpected Sardinia which enchants not only for its incredible crystalline sea, but also for the beauty of its traditions, the authenticity of its people and its history, its silence and for the powerful nature it embraces and cares about.