Angela Scanu Mazzella, an entrepreneur from the Mazzella Group, has recently been awarded the prestigious “Io Sono Una Persona Per…
Even this year a rich calendar of guided tours, workshops, laboratories, excursions and numerous shows, with artists and music companies from all over Europe for a major event of the “Festival dei Tacchi“. From the 1st to 10th August 2015 will be scheduled many activities including some of the most picturesque villages of the Ogliastra , in particular Jerzu, Ulassai and Osini, with a new entry along the coastal municipalities and ports Ogliastra Arbatax- Tortolì, where it will present the sailboat Hoppet for the duration of the festival.
For the year 2015, the “Festival dei Tacchi “meets with Meeting the Odyssey, the European project on board a sailing ship , whose Cada Die Teatro is a partner and which in 2015 takes place in the Mediterranean and landed in Sardinia .
See the complete program