Angela Scanu Mazzella, an entrepreneur from the Mazzella Group, has recently been awarded the prestigious “Io Sono Una Persona Per…
This year will be Cardedu, at only few kilometers from Arbatax, the perfect scenario for the XXV edition of the prestigious Ogliastra Music Festival “Rocce Rosse & Blues”. Among the first artists to come up on stage the two Italian jazz stars: the pianist Stafano Bollani (5th of August) and Paolo Fresu (29th of July), the Sardinian trumpeter from Berchidda, famous to have stunned the world with the fascinating sound of his trumpet and his flugelhorn. An all- round artist, extremely resourceful: shepherd’s son, self-taught person, he grow up surrounded by the local band’s music and now he is a world jazz talent. Winner of many international awards, since 30 years he played on the worldwide stage. Alone or with the best international artists, he still fascinating his public giving them memorable music note.
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