Angela Scanu Mazzella, an entrepreneur from the Mazzella Group, has recently been awarded the prestigious “Io Sono Una Persona Per…
This year too from the 15th to the 18th of July Arbatax reconfirms its date with the tradition, thanks to “Stella Maris” feast. Folk groups, traditional sardinian dances, music and shows will be the perfect scenario for the Seafood and Mussels Festival. A religious feast to celebrate the Virgin Mary of the sea “Stella del Mare” patroness of Arbatax and the sea that every year hosts a lot of tourists. For those who love the local cuisine and the traditions. Incredible opportunity the pyrotechnic show that will bring the curtain down on Stella Maris and the tradition giving to its guests a light & colors effect show on the breath-taking Ogliastra sea.
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